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10 avril 2023 à 10:13 : AngelinaCansler (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre antiabus 4, en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Pro Football Advertising - Auto Insurance Ads During Pro Football. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Empêcher la création de pages de pub utilisateur (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

Apart from betting on favorite, another mistake bettors often make is betting on parlay. Parlay offers attractive great odds right? If you think betting parlay is a shrewd choice, sportsbooks who offer them are laughing to you behind their desk. Obviously, betting parlay is a [ considerably dangerous] act than any kind of betting especially however, you not good in betting [ please click on this link] single bet. My advice is, master your single bet, all of them a consistent profit only consider using parlay.<br><br>Another cause of the public attention towards nfl hats is that perfectly combine sunhat with fashion. Additionally to the c's logos printed on them, you understand  wholesale baseball jerseys other associated with designs. These [ designs] could be ones prefer a camouflage look, art letters, cartoon along with patterns, which show different styles, for example sweet, wild, art aesthetic and incredible. The most distinctive part of NFL in this particular season may be the it gives people a nostalgic sensation.<br><br>Its frayed brim is built to on purpose. Retro look makes you appear bright with elegant great. 9) Specific your uniform is washed and neat, wear a belt that will fit your socks, and  [ tap click read] a hat and shirt will not completely clash with the remainder of the ensemble.  You will have plenty of options to select from as well when talking of NFL things. Many fans prefer jerseys together with other clothing gifts. In that case you can take a the hats, t-shirts and sweatshirts,  cheap nba jerseys free shipping jerseys and most.<br><br>However, if you're hunting for other forms of cheap NFL gear then don't be concerned to branch out. You can purchase NFL Fatheads, watches, furniture, bedding and  [ tap click read] nearly anything else. Getting email notifications assists if you are considering a citation. You can sign up on the official mlb site and join their email subscriber lists. The site sends valuable information to steps registered. This means that you can have an opportunity to [ learn more alternatives] about different games even before other individuals are aware.<br><br>Possess find out that the tickets are saved to sale, a person are go to your official site and spend money. Patrick Kane- Kane often be entered his 5th season in the nhl but this season will be much like his other seasons in the nhl.

Paramètres de l'action

Si la modification est marquée comme mineure ou non (minor_edit)
Nom du compte d’utilisateur (user_name)
Groupes (y compris implicites) dont l'utilisateur est membre (user_groups)
* user autoconfirmed
Si un utilisateur est ou non en cours de modification via l’interface mobile (user_mobile)
Numéro de la page (article_articleid)
Espace de noms de la page (article_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l'espace de noms) (article_text)
Pro Football Advertising - Auto Insurance Ads During Pro Football
Titre complet de la page (article_prefixedtext)
Pro Football Advertising - Auto Insurance Ads During Pro Football
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Ancien texte de la page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Nouveau texte de la page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
Apart from betting on favorite, another mistake bettors often make is betting on parlay. Parlay offers attractive great odds right? If you think betting parlay is a shrewd choice, sportsbooks who offer them are laughing to you behind their desk. Obviously, betting parlay is a [ considerably dangerous] act than any kind of betting especially however, you not good in betting [ please click on this link] single bet. My advice is, master your single bet, all of them a consistent profit only consider using parlay.<br><br>Another cause of the public attention towards nfl hats is that perfectly combine sunhat with fashion. Additionally to the c's logos printed on them, you understand wholesale baseball jerseys other associated with designs. These [ designs] could be ones prefer a camouflage look, art letters, cartoon along with patterns, which show different styles, for example sweet, wild, art aesthetic and incredible. The most distinctive part of NFL in this particular season may be the it gives people a nostalgic sensation.<br><br>Its frayed brim is built to on purpose. Retro look makes you appear bright with elegant great. 9) Specific your uniform is washed and neat, wear a belt that will fit your socks, and [ tap click read] a hat and shirt will not completely clash with the remainder of the ensemble. You will have plenty of options to select from as well when talking of NFL things. Many fans prefer jerseys together with other clothing gifts. In that case you can take a the hats, t-shirts and sweatshirts, cheap nba jerseys free shipping jerseys and most.<br><br>However, if you're hunting for other forms of cheap NFL gear then don't be concerned to branch out. You can purchase NFL Fatheads, watches, furniture, bedding and [ tap click read] nearly anything else. Getting email notifications assists if you are considering a citation. You can sign up on the official mlb site and join their email subscriber lists. The site sends valuable information to steps registered. This means that you can have an opportunity to [ learn more alternatives] about different games even before other individuals are aware.<br><br>Possess find out that the tickets are saved to sale, a person are go to your official site and spend money. Patrick Kane- Kane often be entered his 5th season in the nhl but this season will be much like his other seasons in the nhl.
Diff unifié des changements faits lors de la modification (edit_diff)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +Apart from betting on favorite, another mistake bettors often make is betting on parlay. Parlay offers attractive great odds right? If you think betting parlay is a shrewd choice, sportsbooks who offer them are laughing to you behind their desk. Obviously, betting parlay is a [ considerably dangerous] act than any kind of betting especially however, you not good in betting [ please click on this link] single bet. My advice is, master your single bet, all of them a consistent profit only consider using parlay.<br><br>Another cause of the public attention towards nfl hats is that perfectly combine sunhat with fashion. Additionally to the c's logos printed on them, you understand wholesale baseball jerseys other associated with designs. These [ designs] could be ones prefer a camouflage look, art letters, cartoon along with patterns, which show different styles, for example sweet, wild, art aesthetic and incredible. The most distinctive part of NFL in this particular season may be the it gives people a nostalgic sensation.<br><br>Its frayed brim is built to on purpose. Retro look makes you appear bright with elegant great. 9) Specific your uniform is washed and neat, wear a belt that will fit your socks, and [ tap click read] a hat and shirt will not completely clash with the remainder of the ensemble. You will have plenty of options to select from as well when talking of NFL things. Many fans prefer jerseys together with other clothing gifts. In that case you can take a the hats, t-shirts and sweatshirts, cheap nba jerseys free shipping jerseys and most.<br><br>However, if you're hunting for other forms of cheap NFL gear then don't be concerned to branch out. You can purchase NFL Fatheads, watches, furniture, bedding and [ tap click read] nearly anything else. Getting email notifications assists if you are considering a citation. You can sign up on the official mlb site and join their email subscriber lists. The site sends valuable information to steps registered. This means that you can have an opportunity to [ learn more alternatives] about different games even before other individuals are aware.<br><br>Possess find out that the tickets are saved to sale, a person are go to your official site and spend money. Patrick Kane- Kane often be entered his 5th season in the nhl but this season will be much like his other seasons in the nhl.
Lignes ajoutées lors de la modification (added_lines)
Apart from betting on favorite, another mistake bettors often make is betting on parlay. Parlay offers attractive great odds right? If you think betting parlay is a shrewd choice, sportsbooks who offer them are laughing to you behind their desk. Obviously, betting parlay is a [ considerably dangerous] act than any kind of betting especially however, you not good in betting [ please click on this link] single bet. My advice is, master your single bet, all of them a consistent profit only consider using parlay.<br><br>Another cause of the public attention towards nfl hats is that perfectly combine sunhat with fashion. Additionally to the c's logos printed on them, you understand wholesale baseball jerseys other associated with designs. These [ designs] could be ones prefer a camouflage look, art letters, cartoon along with patterns, which show different styles, for example sweet, wild, art aesthetic and incredible. The most distinctive part of NFL in this particular season may be the it gives people a nostalgic sensation.<br><br>Its frayed brim is built to on purpose. Retro look makes you appear bright with elegant great. 9) Specific your uniform is washed and neat, wear a belt that will fit your socks, and [ tap click read] a hat and shirt will not completely clash with the remainder of the ensemble. You will have plenty of options to select from as well when talking of NFL things. Many fans prefer jerseys together with other clothing gifts. In that case you can take a the hats, t-shirts and sweatshirts, cheap nba jerseys free shipping jerseys and most.<br><br>However, if you're hunting for other forms of cheap NFL gear then don't be concerned to branch out. You can purchase NFL Fatheads, watches, furniture, bedding and [ tap click read] nearly anything else. Getting email notifications assists if you are considering a citation. You can sign up on the official mlb site and join their email subscriber lists. The site sends valuable information to steps registered. This means that you can have an opportunity to [ learn more alternatives] about different games even before other individuals are aware.<br><br>Possess find out that the tickets are saved to sale, a person are go to your official site and spend money. Patrick Kane- Kane often be entered his 5th season in the nhl but this season will be much like his other seasons in the nhl.
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)