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Journal des déclenchements du filtre antiabus

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8 octobre 2022 à 02:53 : DarrelBoston7 (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre antiabus 4, en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Utilisateur:DarrelBoston7. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Empêcher la création de pages de pub utilisateur (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

Sensor: This device has a sensor. You must put the tail of this sensor in about 5mm into the skin. Glucose that is present in the tissue cells is measured.Wireless Transmitter: The wireless transmitter sends glucose level readings to the receiver. It can cover a 3-meter range and you can wear it during activities like bathing, swimming and exercising.<br>Once we encounter difficulty in absorbing sugar, diseases like diabetes may be at hand. Since we are talking about health problems, the most common disease that is greatly known today is diabetes. Due to our busy lifestyle, when it comes to food and physical activities we often neglect to include these things to our daily itinerary.<br><br>Visit my web blog; [https://healthadviserpro.com/glucorun-review/ Glucorun Review]

Paramètres de l'action

Si la modification est marquée comme mineure ou non (minor_edit)
Nom du compte d’utilisateur (user_name)
Groupes (y compris implicites) dont l'utilisateur est membre (user_groups)
* user autoconfirmed
Si un utilisateur est ou non en cours de modification via l’interface mobile (user_mobile)
Numéro de la page (article_articleid)
Espace de noms de la page (article_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l'espace de noms) (article_text)
Titre complet de la page (article_prefixedtext)
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Ancien texte de la page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Nouveau texte de la page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
Sensor: This device has a sensor. You must put the tail of this sensor in about 5mm into the skin. Glucose that is present in the tissue cells is measured.Wireless Transmitter: The wireless transmitter sends glucose level readings to the receiver. It can cover a 3-meter range and you can wear it during activities like bathing, swimming and exercising.<br>Once we encounter difficulty in absorbing sugar, diseases like diabetes may be at hand. Since we are talking about health problems, the most common disease that is greatly known today is diabetes. Due to our busy lifestyle, when it comes to food and physical activities we often neglect to include these things to our daily itinerary.<br><br>Visit my web blog; [https://healthadviserpro.com/glucorun-review/ Glucorun Review]
Diff unifié des changements faits lors de la modification (edit_diff)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +Sensor: This device has a sensor. You must put the tail of this sensor in about 5mm into the skin. Glucose that is present in the tissue cells is measured.Wireless Transmitter: The wireless transmitter sends glucose level readings to the receiver. It can cover a 3-meter range and you can wear it during activities like bathing, swimming and exercising.<br>Once we encounter difficulty in absorbing sugar, diseases like diabetes may be at hand. Since we are talking about health problems, the most common disease that is greatly known today is diabetes. Due to our busy lifestyle, when it comes to food and physical activities we often neglect to include these things to our daily itinerary.<br><br>Visit my web blog; [https://healthadviserpro.com/glucorun-review/ Glucorun Review]
Lignes ajoutées lors de la modification (added_lines)
Sensor: This device has a sensor. You must put the tail of this sensor in about 5mm into the skin. Glucose that is present in the tissue cells is measured.Wireless Transmitter: The wireless transmitter sends glucose level readings to the receiver. It can cover a 3-meter range and you can wear it during activities like bathing, swimming and exercising.<br>Once we encounter difficulty in absorbing sugar, diseases like diabetes may be at hand. Since we are talking about health problems, the most common disease that is greatly known today is diabetes. Due to our busy lifestyle, when it comes to food and physical activities we often neglect to include these things to our daily itinerary.<br><br>Visit my web blog; [https://healthadviserpro.com/glucorun-review/ Glucorun Review]
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)