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8 octobre 2022 à 02:30 : DarrelBoston7 (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre antiabus 4, en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Utilisateur:DarrelBoston7. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Empêcher la création de pages de pub utilisateur (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

All diabetic patients have to take their health seriously. Monitoring their glucose levels on a regular basis is the way forward. Type II diabetes' patients must check their glucose on a daily basis. Patients on insulin perform this test more than once a day. Some of them do it even as many as ten times a day. This enables them to know the effect of insulin. They understand when they should take their next insulin dose.<br>Here is the simple fact of the matter: Diabetes if not properly controlled is an unpleasant and dangerous disease. It can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney failure, heart attack and more. Yet how many clinicians are clearly explaining the reality of these terrible outcomes to their patients, if the patient does not get their diabetes under control?<br><br>My homepage - [https://cbsecure.co.uk/beliv-reviews/ Beliv Reviews]

Paramètres de l'action

Si la modification est marquée comme mineure ou non (minor_edit)
Nom du compte d’utilisateur (user_name)
Groupes (y compris implicites) dont l'utilisateur est membre (user_groups)
* user autoconfirmed
Si un utilisateur est ou non en cours de modification via l’interface mobile (user_mobile)
Numéro de la page (article_articleid)
Espace de noms de la page (article_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l'espace de noms) (article_text)
Titre complet de la page (article_prefixedtext)
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Ancien texte de la page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Nouveau texte de la page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
All diabetic patients have to take their health seriously. Monitoring their glucose levels on a regular basis is the way forward. Type II diabetes' patients must check their glucose on a daily basis. Patients on insulin perform this test more than once a day. Some of them do it even as many as ten times a day. This enables them to know the effect of insulin. They understand when they should take their next insulin dose.<br>Here is the simple fact of the matter: Diabetes if not properly controlled is an unpleasant and dangerous disease. It can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney failure, heart attack and more. Yet how many clinicians are clearly explaining the reality of these terrible outcomes to their patients, if the patient does not get their diabetes under control?<br><br>My homepage - [https://cbsecure.co.uk/beliv-reviews/ Beliv Reviews]
Diff unifié des changements faits lors de la modification (edit_diff)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +All diabetic patients have to take their health seriously. Monitoring their glucose levels on a regular basis is the way forward. Type II diabetes' patients must check their glucose on a daily basis. Patients on insulin perform this test more than once a day. Some of them do it even as many as ten times a day. This enables them to know the effect of insulin. They understand when they should take their next insulin dose.<br>Here is the simple fact of the matter: Diabetes if not properly controlled is an unpleasant and dangerous disease. It can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney failure, heart attack and more. Yet how many clinicians are clearly explaining the reality of these terrible outcomes to their patients, if the patient does not get their diabetes under control?<br><br>My homepage - [https://cbsecure.co.uk/beliv-reviews/ Beliv Reviews]
Lignes ajoutées lors de la modification (added_lines)
All diabetic patients have to take their health seriously. Monitoring their glucose levels on a regular basis is the way forward. Type II diabetes' patients must check their glucose on a daily basis. Patients on insulin perform this test more than once a day. Some of them do it even as many as ten times a day. This enables them to know the effect of insulin. They understand when they should take their next insulin dose.<br>Here is the simple fact of the matter: Diabetes if not properly controlled is an unpleasant and dangerous disease. It can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney failure, heart attack and more. Yet how many clinicians are clearly explaining the reality of these terrible outcomes to their patients, if the patient does not get their diabetes under control?<br><br>My homepage - [https://cbsecure.co.uk/beliv-reviews/ Beliv Reviews]
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)