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Nouveau texte de la page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
Importance of the GM: If the monitor displays abnormal readings, steps occur immediately to rectify the abnormalities. It is very important to promptly act on the irregularities of glucose levels. Patients suffering from diabetes must always keep apparatus like sterile test strips, GM, finger lancets and alcohol pads. If possible, keep them at their bedside. This will help them to keep a constant watch on their diabetes.<br>Socks for diabetics help control moisture in the feet as well. Moisture in the feet increases friction and hence increasing the chances of sores and blisters. These socks are designed in such a way that minimizes the chance of friction in the feet and you will feel relaxed and comfortable wearing the socks. It has been observed that even if you take extra care and precautions, you get blisters and sores in your feet and then these socks for diabetics will also help you reduce your healing time.<br><br>Also visit my page - [https://spontaneousreviews.com/glucofreeze-review/ Glucofreeze Review]
Diff unifié des changements faits lors de la modification (edit_diff)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +Importance of the GM: If the monitor displays abnormal readings, steps occur immediately to rectify the abnormalities. It is very important to promptly act on the irregularities of glucose levels. Patients suffering from diabetes must always keep apparatus like sterile test strips, GM, finger lancets and alcohol pads. If possible, keep them at their bedside. This will help them to keep a constant watch on their diabetes.<br>Socks for diabetics help control moisture in the feet as well. Moisture in the feet increases friction and hence increasing the chances of sores and blisters. These socks are designed in such a way that minimizes the chance of friction in the feet and you will feel relaxed and comfortable wearing the socks. It has been observed that even if you take extra care and precautions, you get blisters and sores in your feet and then these socks for diabetics will also help you reduce your healing time.<br><br>Also visit my page - [https://spontaneousreviews.com/glucofreeze-review/ Glucofreeze Review]
Lignes ajoutées lors de la modification (added_lines)
Importance of the GM: If the monitor displays abnormal readings, steps occur immediately to rectify the abnormalities. It is very important to promptly act on the irregularities of glucose levels. Patients suffering from diabetes must always keep apparatus like sterile test strips, GM, finger lancets and alcohol pads. If possible, keep them at their bedside. This will help them to keep a constant watch on their diabetes.<br>Socks for diabetics help control moisture in the feet as well. Moisture in the feet increases friction and hence increasing the chances of sores and blisters. These socks are designed in such a way that minimizes the chance of friction in the feet and you will feel relaxed and comfortable wearing the socks. It has been observed that even if you take extra care and precautions, you get blisters and sores in your feet and then these socks for diabetics will also help you reduce your healing time.<br><br>Also visit my page - [https://spontaneousreviews.com/glucofreeze-review/ Glucofreeze Review]
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)