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Variables générées pour cette modification

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Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
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Nouveau texte de la page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
The patients suffering from type 2 diabetes must have the knowledge of the list of fruits for diabetics to eat. Fruits naturally contain vitamin, mineral and fiber. Fruits are the perfect choice for diabetics; however it is important to choose the ones that are fresh. If the fresh fruits are not available then you can go for the frozen or dried forms.<br>Common and simple diabetes control procedures will really help to manage and treat this medical condition. Stay at a healthy weight and maintain a good body weight. If oral medications are still an insufficient form of treatment for your type 2 diabetes then you should consider taking insulin.<br><br>Also visit my webpage :: [https://consumerscomment.com/glucorun-reviews/ Glucorun Reviews]
Diff unifié des changements faits lors de la modification (edit_diff)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +The patients suffering from type 2 diabetes must have the knowledge of the list of fruits for diabetics to eat. Fruits naturally contain vitamin, mineral and fiber. Fruits are the perfect choice for diabetics; however it is important to choose the ones that are fresh. If the fresh fruits are not available then you can go for the frozen or dried forms.<br>Common and simple diabetes control procedures will really help to manage and treat this medical condition. Stay at a healthy weight and maintain a good body weight. If oral medications are still an insufficient form of treatment for your type 2 diabetes then you should consider taking insulin.<br><br>Also visit my webpage :: [https://consumerscomment.com/glucorun-reviews/ Glucorun Reviews]
Lignes ajoutées lors de la modification (added_lines)
The patients suffering from type 2 diabetes must have the knowledge of the list of fruits for diabetics to eat. Fruits naturally contain vitamin, mineral and fiber. Fruits are the perfect choice for diabetics; however it is important to choose the ones that are fresh. If the fresh fruits are not available then you can go for the frozen or dried forms.<br>Common and simple diabetes control procedures will really help to manage and treat this medical condition. Stay at a healthy weight and maintain a good body weight. If oral medications are still an insufficient form of treatment for your type 2 diabetes then you should consider taking insulin.<br><br>Also visit my webpage :: [https://consumerscomment.com/glucorun-reviews/ Glucorun Reviews]
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)