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HOPE Étudiant β


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|Enseignement=Master and PHD
|Problematique=Comment prévenir les étudiants internationaux des situations de précarité énergétique ?
Comment créer une conscience autour du confort et de la consommation énergétique ?
English Version : The subject was given by HOPE for CBH summer school creative challenge for energy. HOPE think that international student have an interesting position has they arrive and discover housing for the first time in France. How to prevent international student from energy poverty situations
How to create awarness about comfort and energy consumption
|Methodologie=Séances de coaching de deux groupes de 4 étudiants, présentations sur les thématiques de l'énergie, défis de cohésion de groupe.
English version : Two groups of 4 students have worked on this subject for one week
|Resultats=As some students want to continue one of the project, we have made the drawing of this page to present their ideas. It is based on a collective of international students that volunteer to help incoming students with housing and energy bill. Human link and someone to act as a mentor are the two main ideas using a good timing. The first step is to prepare your arrival, with an online meeting to help find an apartement, a facebook group to link with the community, someone is in charge of you. The second step is the first day on campus, where you receive a goodies bag with energy saving material from your mentor. Then, activities, exchanges will be favorised to help you share your experience. The last part is when you take part on the project, help another student next year thanks to training related to energy.